Klonowski's Bowling & Billiards
With over 50 years of experience in the industry, Klonowskis Billiards and Bowling is the Capital District’s most trusted source. Whether you need a new bowling ball, a refit of your old ball, towels, bags, shoes or any other accessory, Klonowskis will have you back to your game in no time. Bowling ball fitting is completed on premises and often times while you wait. We also have a wide selection of balls from Ebonite, Tracks, AMF and others. When it comes to the Billiard Tables, Klonowskis offers the very finest from Brunswick, the leader in Billiard Tables. From placing your order and setting up your new table (or even relocating your old one) Klonowski?s has the experience and professionalism you deserve. We carry an extensive line of pool cues as well as other accessories to ensure you are satisfied with your purchase. From Plattsburgh to Syracuse, from Vermont and The Berkshires to Hyde Park, and everything in between, make Klonowski?s your first choice in Bowling and Billiards.Read More Less